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/ Microsoft Customer-Ready Marketing Kit / Microsoft Customer-Ready Marketing Kit (Microsoft Certified) (Microsoft) (2001).iso / images / endmcampaign1_infra_f.jpg < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  2001-08-13  |  33KB  |  600x400  |  16-bit (8,125 colors)
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OCR: [Insert etum aditres here] Insert Microsoft When at the office you expect to do y rt Ct and wher you're home car eoume f vourle Sounds aod rigtg? But when te serve falg thet pian streit down the tubes Thet's why Microsof ofsers two of the moet eliabie server 6olutiong they've evor produced Microsort Win dowe 2000 Server snd Exchange 2000 5ener trey proide your employees msaximum uptime throughout the day alowing them to get mor done faster leaving for home strese-free Whicr tends to make ther happier peopie helpi mate it happen We'se your iccal Microsot Certified Partner trainec patoddns pute 100% by Microsoft and knon their tolory wo invented curseives We're the bon ones to handle ellyour Mionson hasod projects So call us today, or visit Wieb site [insert Company Loso Here Incer compen st ...